John 4:18

At first, I was
very worried about those cats. They are
indoor cats and have very seldom been outside.
They mainly stay away from the doors at the house because we keep shoo-ing
them away. But what if one got out at a
campground, ran away, and we never saw her again? I would never forgive myself.
After some
thought, I decided to use an old but useful apparatus called Mr. Behavior
Modification. It comes in a handy spray
bottle filled with water.
So off we
went on our first trip with the cats.
While we were
getting organized after reaching the campsite, I placed Mr. Behavior
Modification on the outside step. Meanwhile,
Gracie, Trudie and Satin were fascinated by this new location and sat at the
screen door while sniffing the air and watching anything that moved.
When I
approached the door from the outside, I would say “Get back!” and spray a
little water in their faces. They
absolutely loathed it and would run to the other end of the camper (which was
only 24 feet away!). It took about twice
for each cat to learn to move away from that door when I said the magic words,
“Get back!”
the cats were doing something I didn’t want them to do, so I used fear as a
motivation for behavioral change. Normally
they’re not afraid of me, but they learned to be when I punished them. They developed the fear of a face-full of
water if they didn’t get away from that door.
Fear expects punishment.
It’s the
same way with the world. We all live in
fear of all kinds of punishments. When
we’ve said something in anger, we fear a broken relationship. When we can’t pay the mortgage, we fear
homelessness. When we hear of layoffs,
we fear losing our job.
How can love
drive all of that away? How can love
help pay the mortgage or keep someone employed?
Because God is
love. So if you substituted God for love in that last paragraph, it would look like this: How can God
drive all of that away? How can God help pay the mortgage or keep
someone employed?
And now that
we’ve seen it put that way, it’s a little clearer on how this love thing
works. God takes care of everything in
one way or another. Loving God through
times of trouble makes the bond between us stronger.
God’s love
is perfect, but he doesn’t expect that from us.
He does expect us to do the best we can while leaning on His Son. Keeping our eyes upon Jesus gets us through
Very good post! I can't imagine taking cats camping! I admit I admire you for doing it. I have a friend who used the same "behavior modification" method, and she has an adorable cat that has excellent manners. I love the application that God does what's BEST for us!