Do Me a Favor

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Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Psalm 119:96 -- I have learned that everything has limits; but your commandment is perfect.

I’m not a perfectionist.  Really, I’m not.  And if you saw the state of my house, you would wholly agree. 

No, I’m more of a partial perfectionist.  That doesn’t mean that I want everything partially perfect; it means that I am a perfectionist with certain things.

Before I retired, I was a perfectionist at the office.  I wanted everything done well.  I wanted each thing done in the same way every time, making it easier to pick up a file and know immediately what stage it was in.  This was imperative due to the volume of files I handled each day.

For years I was a purse perfectionist.  Every purse had to have three zippered compartments, each compartment having certain things in it.  My billfold, checkbook, pens and paper were in the first one.  The second was for Tylenol, Kleenex and anti-acids.  That left the third one as miscellaneous, but I always knew I could find my stash of Splenda if I looked long enough.

I bought a new purse recently that does not have the three compartment set up.   I am trying to deal with the lost partial perfection, but apparently that’s going to be an on-going project.

Another place I need to work on is my writing.  I want it to be perfect every time I finish a piece.  I don’t want to see my glaring errors (I swear they weren’t there when I proofed it!) looking at me from my blog.  I work and work on every little thing until I don’t know right from wrong.  It’s me there on that page; I have to look my very best every single time.  So I quit posting and I very seldom wrote any piece to completion.

But I was recently reminded that in God’s eyes, through Jesus Christ, we are all perfect.  And since we don’t work for man, but work only for God, I guess I’m already sufficiently covered in everything I do. 

To put it another way, I’ll do my best and let God do the rest! 
Photo by Cindy West McGregor


  1. I am totally a partial perfectionist! Love the phrase! It can be paralyzing at times - this is true! Thank goodness that God doesn't call us to be perfect in our own strength but to perfectly rely on him!

  2. LOL so that's why Mark married me....I just read about myself on YOUR blog!!!! Love you and keep writing, I LOVE to read your blogs. They always teach me something.

  3. Sue, I can't imagine you being paralyzed about anything! Thanks for stopping by...

  4. Thanks,Steph. You are always so encouraging, and I appreciate it very much. In fact, I would go so far to say that you are my favorite daughter-in-law!

  5. Hi Carol! Great post. I'd never thought of myself that way before, but I surely fit the bill! LOL I so like those compartments in my purse, which is always too full. :/ And I so love your last line! "To put it another way, I’ll do my best and let God do the rest!"

    From one partial perfectionist to another! Love you ~ Danie

    1. It's like I used to tell my kids, "Not even God can ask for more than your best!" Thanks for your sweet comment, Danie...

  6. Great post Carol...I too am a partial perfectionist on some things...not the purse thing..I never remember where I put what, but I do want my writing to glorify I work hard and leave the rest to Him!

    1. Thanks, Glenda. One of the reasons I admire your writing is that you always glorify Him, so your hard work is working!

  7. True enough...hard to remember. Thanks for the reminder!

    1. Yes, it is hard to remember, Liz. I think we already know lots of these things, but need reminders occasionally. Thanks for your comment.

  8. Beautiful blog. Almost perfect. :) Oh, I spend hours on posts and then find typos all over the day after I publish. I know how it is. I finally gave myself a time limit of twenty minutes per post. And with that time limit I can usually post in a half an hour. No, the posts aren't as good as if I spent hours, I suppose. But they are up, and then communicate my thinking. And that will have to do. I hope you can find a way, too, to post faster and keep posting because this it such a lovely blog and your thoughts are worth reading. I'm subscribing via the RSS feed.

    1. Thanks, Sally. The time limit is a good idea, but I think I'll start with more than 20 minutes. Maybe I can eventually get it down to 20. I appreciate your comment and your subscription!

  9. Hi Carol! Followed you over from you comment on my Encouraging Words blog! How nice to be able to find out more about you here! I so identify with the purse thing. Lol! I have had one "perfect" purse where everything was nicely put where it belonged. Since I have had to add taking my meds with me, my epi-pen, and some other things, I've yet to find the perfect vehicle for my "stuff." What an apt comparison. I think I fit the partial perfectionist title well. (And please don't look at my house!) Thanks for sharing!

  10. Deni, I'm so glad you commented. I didn't think my comment on your blog went through after my "other" laptop (cat named Satin) plopped down on my keyboard and I ended up I don't know where! Thanks for coming by here at my new spot. I hope you'll come back!
