Do Me a Favor

Looking for Speaking Hope Ministry's blog? For the moment, it has combined with Miscellaneous Ramblings. Please click here and be sure to sign up for e-mail notices. Thanks. Carol

Wednesday, January 29, 2014


I feel differently now than I did then.

It’s because God is drawing me in another, different direction.
As usual, God has intervened with something I never would have thought of.

Which, I realize, wouldn’t take a lot – but still…
So I’m closing down this blog, Speaking Hope, and concentrating on my other blog Miscellaneous Ramblings.

I feel that that blog will be changing at some point, too.
But in the meantime, if you could check out Miscellaneous Ramblings and sign up for e-mail notification, I would probably be your friend for life (just kidding – sorta).

I’ll continue to post on Fridays over on Miscellaneous Ramblings, so stay tuned.  You just never know what God has in store.  It will be a surprise for us all…
Self Portrait


  1. Yes, I totally understand changes since I'm in the middle of changes myself! Blessings over at Miscellaneous Ramblings!

    1. Thanks, Vonda. I'm excited about my changes and just trying to stay out of the way as God works out His plan. Blessings on your changes...

  2. Yes and amne we living the world who change every the day indifferent course with many new voice to hear ,but let us hear the voice of the Lord more and more and not so much this the world cry,thanks and bless,keijo sweden
